Linda Burris is a vocal powerhouse whose love for music has been ingrained in her since childhood. Growing up in a household filled with music, she inherited her passion for singing from her musical family. However, her destiny was sealed when she met the love of her life, a talented guitarist who would become her husband and musical partner. Together, they embarked on a decade-long journey, sharing their passion for music through their band, Sonic Freeway, that has thrilled audiences with Linda's strong, wide-ranging voice. 

Currently, Linda is taking her musical prowess to new heights as she leads the Linda Ronstadt tribute act, Just One Linda. She continues to enchant audiences with her uncanny ability to capture the essence and vocal style of the legendary singer. With her strong vocal range, infectious energy, and undeniable charm as a performer, she shares her love for Ronstadt's music wherever she goes.

Bing Burris


Bob Jankowski


Kim Lange


Larry Labeck

Pedal steel guitar

George Wietecha

Drums/More cowbell